Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Limit Hold'em vs. No Limit Hold'em

Now by no means do I consider myself to be an outstanding poker player. I am still an amateur.  I am truly a witness to the maxim "all you need is some chips and a chair." I have been playing for about 3 years now.  One thing I can tell you about poker is it can be a costly learning experience.  Trust me I am telling you this from experience.  I started off playing Limit hold'em, which is the game I highly recommend you play to get your feet wet.  When it comes to No limit hold'em you can get your behind handed to you in a matter of minutes. Now in the game of Limit Hold'em people can really chip bully you like they can in No Limit.  In Limit it is not uncommon to to see more 9 handed play because people tend to play weaker hands.   It is good to watch videos and read literature on the game of poker but you will never get good at it unless you play.  I am talking about live play.  Playing on the internet does not truly give you a good feel on actual atmosphere of the game.  So in closing if you are an amateur like myself hit the tables and improve your skills and make sure you start off on the lower limit games.  Good Luck!